Bot Blitz – Crop Circle Video

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This is technically the second game in the Bot Blitz series, but it was actually the one that was fully developed first. However, because of the component of using LEDs, and the discussion that went along with that, I wanted it to go first.

This video, I hope, will launch what will eventually be a deep dive into electronics on this channel. I’m going to finally do it. I’m going to learn how to use those strange components I’ve only heard about so far. Resistors and capacitors and steppers and servos… I think I’m ready. And my work at the makerspace is going to tie into this as well. I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

While the main sell of the video is the game project… a sell that no one seems to be into… I may be YouTubing wrong… but while that’ s the main sell, there’s a significant portion of this video dedicated to the electroincs, even though they’re little more than slapping a couple of LEDs and a power source in a 3D printed enclosure. But, darn it, it’s cool when things glow.

I know this is a free download, so there’s no reason I couldn’t have put it on Thigiverse or MyMiniFactory. In fact I plan to upload this others sites some time in the future. But for now it’s here.

This video’s upload was… hasty. I had wanted to upload it as early as Friday, but technical problems, birthday celebrations, and early morning commitments all conspired to keep it from happening before now. Uploading late in the day is considered bad news if you’re in it for for the YouTube views. So I considered waiting, but then I realized I have an upload (well, re-upload, really) that will go live tomorrow, and Wednesday is the end of the Chibimals kickstarter, so it had to be now, even if it was suicidally late in the day. Well, so be it. I’m not in this to win at YouTube. I’m in this to share what I love with you. And today I love another new 3D printed board game.

Gonna have to do something about all them P-Pops. They’re getting to be a Problem.