Five 3D designers you should know video

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This video was lessĀ  a “top 5” (or 6, or 7) and more of the 5 designers I’ve been thinking of right now, at this moment, but give me a second and I’ll think of more. Because, yeah, there’s more than just Loubie3d, M3DM (and her kickstarter, check it out), Ill Gotten Games, PLAKit, Fab365, and Wekster. And Flowalistic. There’s also Modibot, KMT82 Designs, Trajan1990, and a bunch of others. So if I left your favorite off the list… yeah, I did. Gimme a list of people to check out and maybe I’ll do this in the future.

Now, I will admit, I don’t actually download most of these peoples designs and print them. That’s the problem with being a designer myself. But I still admire these people’s work, and I want you to be made aware of them.

Audio for this video was… troubling. That lav mic on my chest was picking up a lot of P-pops. Like, a pop every 20 seconds. I have a mighty voice. So I considered my options. There was a Rode mic hooked up to my camera, but that picks up a lot of room noise. Or I could re-record the whole video and start the process all over again. In the end I decided that this video wasn’t worth a re-record, so I used the roomy camera mic.