Modeling Monday Livestream – Cat modeling

Watch the replay on Youtube

My last livestream didn’t go well. I thought I was overloading my internet, but it turns out I was overloading my computer. Once you have a dozen chibimals in one Blender file it tends to bog things down, even when you’re not trying to encode and upload in real time a 1080 screen. This prompted me to break each model into it’s own source file, which was a lot of work behind the scenes. I also took the time to clean up the earlier models and employ modeling techniques I’ve developed on the later models. In some ways it’s good the Kickstarter hit the doldrums or i wouldn’t have had time to do that sort of cleanup.

Of course those doldrums are over now. After releasing Starkey the kickstarter hit 3 new stretch goals. I’ve got a modeling queue to catch up on again! Super happy about that. I’m also super happy that Chibimals crossed $4k. That’s a milestone I was really hoping I’d see. Behind the scenes, that means I’m planning a trip to ERRF now. But that’s not until the fall.

The next live stream is scheduled for the end of the Chibimals kickstarter. After that, tho, maybe I’ll make Modeling Monday a regular thing.

I wanted to demonstrate how easy it is to make a Chibimal, even if you don’t have any modeling experience. I made the “That should work, right” joke in my accessory video, so of course I have to make sure it actually did work after the fact. It does. I’ve tried it in Cura and now it FlashPrint, and I know Simply 3D will have no problem with it. So there’s no excuse not to make your own Chibimal when you get the models.