A Visit to Zeni Kinetic

I took an opportunity to visit Salt Lake’s own 3D Printing store, Zeni Kinetic and nerded out with the John, Aaron, and Jeremy there, some of which I’ve met at local makerspaces before. 

They’ve got a nice open floor space that is still in development in a lot of ways. Lots of filament and example prints and… hey, what’s that in the corner?

Holy smokes, they’ve got their own 3D scanner setup. Awesome. I wasn’t dressed for it, but I am definitely coming back and trying that thing out.

The biggest surprise was seeing how HUGE their 3D printer is. This thing is massive. They’re far undercharging for what you get. It’s amazing.

A big thanks to all the guys at Zeni Kinetic for entertaining me while I geeked out with them. And I look forward to visiting them again.