Filament of the Month Club is going out with a Bang

To everyone who backed the Filament of the Month Club, I want to thank you for your support.

I didn’t escape the notice of many people that May’s shipment of Filablend never arrived in May. Rest assured, I noticed this as well and have been working with my fulfillment to figure out what happened. Fortunately, we found them. Basically, they were lost in the post office.

We managed to recover May’s shipments (thank heavens). The plan now is to ship May and June at the same time. So you’ll be getting a sample of Filamblend for May, the 3-colors-in-1 filament, super fun to work with, and a sample of woodfil, a beautiful smelling filament with a gentle, earthy color, for June. There will also be some bonus components, LEDs and coin cell batteries to do a simple electronics project that I’ll tell you about in a future video.

And then, I will be shutting down the Filament of the Month club.

It’s not just this one shipment. I started the filament of the month club because, as a content creator, I need a way to fund the projects I want to do. And as much as Patreon works for me, I couldn’t see any reason why people would want to give people me money for essentially nothing (despite that happening month after month). Low Poly Dinos was a great fund raiser, but I was hoping I could provide you with something on a more regular basis.

When planning out the Filament of the Month Club, I had to build the pricing model in a sustainable way, while keeping it affordable. Now, without getting too deep in the weeds of business planning, I needed a certain volume of orders to overcome the fixed costs, while chasing the variable costs that would rise with every new order. I figured I could provide this service at a reasonable cost if it managed to get 100 subscribers. It wouldn’t be making a lot of money at that point, but it would at least be in the black. Unfortunately the Filament of the Month Club never got over 50 subscribers on any given month. This forced me to contemplate how long to keep trying on a failing endeavor hoping it’ll turn a corner?

What I’m saying is the May orders being delayed until June wasn’t the reason I’m stopping this endeavor for now. It was simply the last straw.

For now, I’m going to focus my efforts on my latest fund raising effort, Chibimals, where I just announced the accessories add-ons that will enable you to make customized 3D prints without any 3d modeling knowledge. I hope you’ll check it out.

Again, I can not thank you enough for your support. At least no one can say that I didn’t give it a shot. But for now at least, I think this idea needs to be put on hold. If you’re still interested in getting a high quality sample box, I can recommend the Alien3D box. If you want something at a more reasonable pace, I understand protopasta is trying something like this out and you can check it out. I appreciate, again, you sticking with me on this adventure. Not every project is going to be a success, but I’m not going to let that get me down. Bigger and better things are always on the way. I hope you’re looking forward to it, because know I am.