5 Ways Make Media could be saved

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I’ve only been to 2 of the Bay Area Maker Faire, and one Mini Maker Faire in Provo. Generally I don’t get out much. This year I almost skipped Bay Area and just went to NOMCon, but considering the drama, I’m kinda glad I went to Bay Area this time, as it may end up being historic. Whether it’s the last Maker Faire before everyone has to come up with their own names for their mini fairs or whether it’s just the last one that Dale Dougherty puts on, it’s the end of a 15 year long era either way. I admit it’s not effecting me as much as it seems to be effecting others. For sure, my limited contact with the faires has something to do with that. But I’m very close to a lot of people who are feeling this change very acutely. And it’s for them that I made this video. I want to give a little ray of hope and get everyone what they really want.

Is this actually a cry for a buy out? At least one thing I read in the Tech Crunch article that broke the news that makes me think so. Dale was quoted as saying “… but it doesn’t necessarily work as a business today, at least under my oversight.” That sounds like he’s hoping someone will come in who can make it work, to me. But maybe I’m reading into things too much. I kinda want a buy out for Dale because he deserves a huge monitary thank you for this movement he created. Not that I think one of the co-founders of O’Reilly Media really needs one. I’m sure he’ll be fine. But I hope for that for him.

Heck, if Chibimals manages to raise a million dollars, I’d consider making an offer. Or at least starting my own faire.

4 hours. It takes 4 hours to record, edit, and upload a guerrilla style video like this. That includes writing up a quick outline, setting up the camera, sweetening the audio, and cutting the video together. That doesn’t include making the video interesting with b-roll and other footage. This is little more than a podcast. But for topical videos… yeah, I could this on a Saturday morning. Next time, tho, better lighting.