Are Makerspaces Doomed? with Calvin Witt

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Spoiler: No.

That is to say, “No” is the spoiler. Not, “No spoiler”. No, makerspaces aren’t doomed. But they are a business, and like any business, if they’re not run properly they go out of business. Actually, now that I think about it, if 9 out of 10 new businesses fail, Makerspaces are actually bucking that trend. Either that or there’s a ton of small makerspaces failing out there that we’re just not hearing about, which might also be true.

Calvin took a couple of pictures of the jankey production values that went into this video. As I mentioned last week, this was a new portable recording setup so I could still travel light, and it worked. It wasn’t pretty, but it worked. And it required some creative manipulation of the space which Calvin is tickled to share on Twitter. But I was very careful to put everything back the way it was.

This sort of guerrilla video making was very rewarding. I’m looking forward to more of this sort of thing in the future. However, one thing I didn’t mention is that right after I got my new mic, my mic jack on my phone went out. It was working, and then it wasn’t. I can get it fixed, but it’s going to either take acquiring some new skills and some new tools and taking the time to fix it, or $70. Either way, it’s waiting until after Chibimals.