March MadMess 2019 3D Printer Re-Review Part 3

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You can buy the Monoprice Voxel/Adventure 3 nozzles now. And my Adventure 3 is printing again. So it was a lot of drama for a little bit of time.

I’m hitting go on this so I can pack my computer for my trip to Indiana and the Midwest RepRap Festival. I’m excited, but I’m also feeling a lot of other emotions about this trip as well. I am not at all at ease. This isn’t like my trip to Orem. I’m not going to be at the center of attention. When I’m in front of a crowd, I’m cool, you know? I’m smooth. I’m in control. But being in among people, just hanging out with them, that scares me. I know I’m going to say or do something stupid. I already have on Twitter with many of these people.

I guess what I’m saying is if you see me at the Midwest RepRap Festival, or anywhere really, and you feel like you can’t come up and talk to me, just realize that I’m just as freaking out as you are, and if you get to know me, I’m just a guy with a love of 3D printing, just like you. Feel free, no, feel encouraged to come up, say hi. Tell me you like what I do, and we will instantly have that in common. And you’ll probably find yourself with a new friend.

All of these review have brought to mind something I’m going to call “the Reviewer’s Dilemma”. A reviewer is beholden to 2 groups; your audience who will crucify you if you show the least amount of dis-ingenuousness, and the people who send you stuff to review who will cut you off if you are known to hurt their sales. My solution to this dilemma was to, early on, try my best to find something nice to say about every printer. This means that sometimes there are things left unsaid. For instance, I will never say that I specifically don’t recommend a printer in it’s initial review. I simply won’t say that I do recommend it, and hope that the viewer can get the meaning from what isn’t said. But that’s not always the case, as with my M3D review. In many ways this re-review is a license to be as honest as I want to be and say what I want to say, because I’ve done what I needed to with the initial review, and chances are the 3D printer suppliers are no longer watching. And if they are, and they don’t like what I have to say, well, they should be a bit more competitive in the field they want to succeed in.

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