March MadMess 2019 3D Printer Re-Review Part 2

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Now we’re in the swing of things, as far as these reviews are concerned. 7 3D printers, no interruptions.

I’m afraid I may have buried the lead as concerns my points about DUP 3D printing at the end of this video. It’s something that I’ve wanted to talk about for a while, that I’ve even considered making it’s own video about. But in the end, this was the right format for that information for now.

The point is, I want DUP printing to be good, and there are a number of new DUP technologies on the horizon that people are getting excited for. Of course until there’s a product and a price tag, there’s very little point in getting too excited. Still, I hope that one day there’ll be a resin 3D printer that doesn’t suck.

Here’s the rundown of the rubrics of the printers in this video: