March MadMess 2019 3D Printer Re-Review Part 1

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To me, this may be some of the sloppiest editing I’ve ever done. I feel like I’m just churning this out because March is going to be super busy for me. I’ve got some new equipment to set up, I’ve got some places I need to be, I’ve got some projects I want to finish up and report on, and I’m kinda glad that I’ve got the rest of the videos for the whole month lined up so I can focus on those things in my diminishing spare time. Then again, maybe you disagree and these may go on to be my biggest, most popular videos to date. That does happen with hardware reviews.

I’ve outlined this grading rubric before, and I think it’s a great way to look at an compare 3D printers. But this will be the first time I’ll be looking at the results side-to-side.

What surprises me the most is how early in my reviewing career I got the Davinci Color, and just how long I didn’t use it. Well, I couldn’t. I didn’t have a place I could run it. But this past month I’ve been running it nearly full time and I’ve got a lot of great projects I can’t wait to show you coming out of that printer now. But it’s still notable to me how fast things have moved.

For your comparison pleasure, here’s the rubrics for the printers reviewed in this video: