Filament of the Month Club Casting Call

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You can join the Filament of the Month Club if you haven’t already here:

If you would like to appear in a future video, you can be the talent in this very bit. Just go here to learn how:

I know someone is going to make some comment about me asking you to beg people for money for me. And you know what? That’s totally true. Except I’m already begging you for money. Now I’m offering fair trade for your currency. The Filament of the Month club is a way that you get something, and I get paid regularly, and I feel way better about that than Patreon.

In case someone thinks I’m making milking this for more than it’s worth,(and I’ve already seen that comment) the first month I ended up losing money on this proposition because of discounted sales and high fixed costs. And that’s okay because it gave me the chance to work out some bugs on a dry run, and fixed costs become less important as the number of members goes up, so if I can get 100 or 1000 people signed up (and maybe I’m dreaming a little big there, but bear with me) then I’ll be making good money. Well, I say “good money”, but it’s really only like only $1 per order. Because I really am keeping the cost of this thing as low as I can for you. I’m not so totally in it for the money that I’m willing to throw away my integrity. I wouldn’t have started this if I didn’t think it was something I would want and if I didn’t think it would be a win-win proposition.

When I made this bumper, I thought about having my kids or wife do it, and in the future they’ll probably appear in one or two. But then I had this crazy idea. What if ANYONE could be dropped in? Could I pull that off? This is, to me, an opportunity for you to see yourself on YouTube (if you don’t already) and to give people a reason to watch the same spot over and over again. So hopefully this ad thing is also a win-win.

I hope that one day there will be more audience participation in future videos. However, that will have to wait until I can afford an editor. Until then, consider this a soft launch to see if there’s an audience for it.