Introducing the Beginner’s Guide to the 3D Printing Galaxy

Order the book here:

Concerning the St. George Board Game Convention that I attended as a vendor, that was a wild ride. Even had one person recognize me from my videos on YouTube. I don’t want to say too much about it because I will have more to say in a future video, except to mention that it was draining and left me with very little for making YouTube videos or anything else with.

However, I did get my book published, the Beginner’s Guide to the 3D Printing Galaxy, just before the con, and promoted it there, and now I’m promoting it on YouTube. This is a book for beginners, anyone from “I’ve heard about 3D printing and I want to know more”, to “I’m totally getting a 3D printer, but which one should I get”, to “Now I’ve got a 3D printer, how do I use this darn thing?”. It’s the sort of book I wish I had access to before I started, and if you wish this book had been around when you started then the next time someone says “Man, that’s really cool, I’d like to get into that” you can go “I know this guy who wrote this book, you should totally check it out” or even better, say “Tell you what, this book is cheap, let me buy you a copy.”

You can check out the Beginner’s Guide to the 3D Printing Galaxy on Amazon now.

Yes, this was totally saley.