Visiting Moment3D

I found this is my drafts folder. IT’s been sitting there for a while. So, sorry Alex and Andre. Apparently I can’t push publish.

I’m a little bit behind on my blog posts. Earlier this month I visited Moment3D for a 3D printing meetup. Moment3D was one of the huge contributors in my previous fund raising campaign, so it was exciting to thank Alex and Andre in person.

What Moment3D provides is a 3D design, 3D scanning, and prototyping. Alex is the ZBrush expert. Andre rocks the more industrial design with Fusion360, and there’s a hardware guy who wasn’t there when I visited. But when their powers combine they form CAPTAIN PLANET! …or something like that.

I love what these guys are doing. Couple of guys, a handful of mad skills, and few 3D printers and they’re in business.

Of course they also need some pretty baller computers.

And having some more expensive SLA printers for the high detail stuff helps.

And a work space with a monthly rent and heating bills.

Having a few regular clients helps keep things running.

Alright, so when the rubber hits the road reality is a little more complex than just that, but that’s not the point. We’re in a day and age where the bar is lowered. I wish Moment3D all the best. They may very well represent the future.

Their showroom has an impressive collection of prints featuring of various technologies including FFF, SLA, and binder jetting that I’m going to finish up this post with.