3D Printing Fails – Color Mixing

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Did I really throw that 3D printer into a fire? Yes I did. How did I get the fire to light that way? I wish I could say that was just the effect of living in a dry climate, but there might have been an accelerant at play, the application of which was edited out of the video. Made for a pretty “fwomp”, though, didn’t it?

You know what the hardest things to get right in an animation is?

It’s…. wait foTiming. Once you’ve got the timing worked out, the rest is just details. And with this illustration, despite doing it in Blender, I just couldn’t work out the timing of what I wanted to have happen when. So, ultimately, I decided just to go with a static image that, I felt, conveyed the idea.

This week I’ve been working on next phase of the mobile, solar powered, 3D printer station, my Maker Wagon, and I have to say, it’s really starting to take shape. The basic idea is a metal frame with wooden boxes that I could potentially swap out at will to keep it modular. And as silly as it is, part of me can’t help playing with the idea of using this in some grand 3d printing stunt for a video. I have no idea when I’d find the time, but it could be fun.

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