Two Trees SK1 Review Video

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The more I explore this new Tier List way of categorizing 3D printers, the more I realize that there’s not a clear connection between the tiers. For instance, this printer wavered between “For Pros” and “Frustration”, jumping right over the “it works” tier. I don’t think “it works” was an option for this printer. The hardware was too impressive to be a middle of the road. And the worst part is, if they only had their slicer settings right it 100% would have been “For Pros”. Which is the most frustrating thing of all.

But the connections that move a thing from “Frustration” to “For Pros” to “It Works” isn’t necessarily a straight line. As I said when I made these tiers, it’s subjective.

YouTube has given me the ability to upload multiple thumbnails and they’ll give it the ol AB testing. I’ve tried it in the last couple of videos, but so far there hasn’t been a huge difference between the thumbnails that I’ve uploaded. So this time I made 2 very different thumbnails to see if it makes any difference. Maybe we’ll find out that the thing that’s been holding me back this whole time is the green background.

One video where I didn’t test out multiple thumbnails was my last one, and it’s doing gangbusters numbers in general. It’s not just the best video I’ve done recently, but possibly the best first week for any video I’ve uploaded, ever. Which is weird. because it had minimal editing, minimal effort, I originally considered uploading the raw video with no editing. And yet here I am with a video that I can’t explain why it’s doing so well, but it is. I do not understand YouTube.