QIDI Tech X-Smart 3 Review

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I had to go back and re-record the middle section of this video. You can tell the part if you’re watching carefully because my tie is different and my hair is disheveled. The hair is because I had to take a late shower and didn’t let it dry properly before going to be. It was really late at night.

Still not sure what I’m going to call these things. PrintABins? SortABloks? OrginizaBloks? BlokFinity? I don’t necessarily want to invoke the wrath of VoidStar Labs with that last one. Then again, the publicity could be good.

In the process of testing this idea, I discovered I needed one more type of blok. A drawer. So I added one. I’m currently playing with different sizes, trying to see what would actually be useful. But I love the idea of making a totally modular organizer.

When I started working on this, there were a number of contests for desktop organizers. But I was in the middle of starting a kickstarter at the time, so I wasn’t able to finish them in time for the contests. Now I’ve got them finished, but I don’t have a contest to enter them in. And I kinda don’t want to release something made with a contest in mind if there’s no chance of winning something. So for now if you want these, you can log onto my discord and check the pinned message in the #PrintABloks channel.