Lionel Richie, how long did this print take?

…All night long. And then some. I kicked this off at 10:30 at night and it wasn’t finished until 8 the next day. 10 hour print. I knew this was going to be big, the biggest thing print I’ve made so far. And since I’m trying to stay away from modifying my settings more than necessary, big prints like this are just going to take a long time. I hope the next version of ReplicatorG has some serious acceleration set up.

And what is this strange landscape I’ve printed here for? Well…

Add 1/2″ square dowel and you’ve got a frame for the top of your Replicator. The next step is to add some cloth and make a cozy for my Replicator so that it retains it’s heat and doesn’t heat up the garage as much. That’s the theory. More information can be found on the Replicator Cozy page on Thingiverse.