Don’t Suggest Bambu labs 3D Printers until you’ve seen this video

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At this time of year people take to the internet to ask the age old question “What 3D Printer should I buy?” And like in days past we, as a community, have picked a default answer that isn’t necessarily the right answer for everyone. So, to illustrate why you might not want to suggest Bambu labs 3D printers to everyone, this video explores some scenarios and the 3D printer that would be right for those people.

While Bambu Labs 3d printers are the current darling, and for good reason, if the target user is a young child, perhaps a Toybox or AOSeed X-Maker might be a better suggestion. Flashforge and Creality both make full featured 3D printers, comparable to the capability of the Bambu Labs CX1, but at a price closer to their A1. And Sovol is still a great suggestion for those who just want to hack.

I had to record this video twice because the first time I had the mic plugged into the headphone jack, which blew out my peaks. And my voice peaks a lot. But I think the second time I kind of rushed things, so this video ended up being shorter than 8 minutes, which is “Why even try” territory on YouTube.

I have been exploring options for marketing Cute Cthulhu and Friends and someone said “oh, yeah. I haven’t seen you talk about them at all.” And I realized I hadn’t. I wanted to reach a new audience so badly I didn’t bother just talking about them. My last videos have done gang busters, they totally should have had a plug for my etsy store. Well, better late than never.