Organize all the things with PrintABlok StorABlok

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Do you have stuff you need to organize? Download and 3D print StorABloks or StorABloks Drawers today!

This release has been a long time coming. I’ve been working on these for over 6 months now, judging from when I made my Blender tutorial video about making simple organizers in Blender. But it took me a long time to feel they were ready to share. I’ve been using them all over the place, but there’s more to a release than being functionally complete. There’s checking the edge cases, and, in the case of printabloks, figuring out where they fit in the number system and which numbers to assign. In some ways I’m kind of glad I waited, though. There were some things, like raising the bottoms so that small objects don’t fall into the printablok holes, that I didn’t figure out until I tried the example that I ultimately put into the video. And for some reason the numbering system didn’t work itself out until recently. But I do thing they’re finally ready.

When I started modeling these, there was a 3D printed organizer contest going on somewhere, but I wasn’t able to finish them in time, and for a while I held on to releasing them, hoping that another would come around. Then on did… and I didn’t care for the prizes. And I realized I had no reason to hold on to these, so today’s the day I’m publishing.

At one point I wanted to call these “BlokFinity”, but ultimately I decided not to intentionally try to be annoying. Though I couldn’t help a little dig in the video.

I tried something with this video, and I’m curious if anyone will say anything. I noticed that when I edit the videos they often times feel upbeat and engaging, but when the video comes out it doesn’t do well. And my guess for why that is is because when I edit the videos I watch them at 2x speed, because I already know what I said, so there’s no point in listening to myself at 1x speed. But the that means I’m having a different watching experience than my viewing audience. So with this video I decided to try something a little sneaky. I sped my raw footage up 125%. Not a huge difference, but just enough to pick up the pace and keep things moving, a little more like what I experience in the edit. If this video does better than usual, I may do this every time.

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