Kidoodle 3D Printer Kickstarter Review

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Every time I type this company’s name, I put two “d”s in it, and so I’m going to say that’s what they should have named it. Because my brain can’t wrap itself around “kiDoodle”, they should name themselves “kiDDoodle”. For me. I have spoken.

The Kidoodle 3d on kickstarter is a 3D printer that I am legimately impressed with. Like I said, it’s appeal is laser focused to what I want for 3D printing. Does that mean I’m going to back it myself?

Probably not.

Because I’m not a beginner anymore and I don’t want to do beginner things. And my kids are awesome and doing awesome things with big boy 3D printers, and I don’t need this. But I think 3D printing needs this to grow.

Ah, heck, I might just back it anyways.

I am going to offer them to put some PrintABloks on there, though.

I’m really putting a push on my video production lately. I have one video in the can waiting for them to approve my sharesale link so I can get some commissions from the video, because I really do like the printer. So while I’m waiting for that, I thought I’d bang out this low effort one shot video to spotlight this kickstarter.