Blender Curve Union Video

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My Blender for 3D Printing channel doesn’t get the views that my main channel does. But, of course, neither did my Blender videos when I made them. That’s why I broke them off into their own channel. Because of that, I try not to put too much effort into my Blender videos, at least until I do something that accidently gains a viral audience.

Well, at least I didn’t waste any time finding a shirt that wouldn’t annoy the green screen. So there’s that.

And still, this video took 4 times more effort that I wanted it to. mostly because I kept re-recording parts that I was unsatisfied. The problem with a one-take video is it’s sometimes 10 or 20 takes until that one take happens.

Geometry Nodes are a constant source of surprise for what’s capable, but figuring out this little trick was like the heavens opening. How many YEARS I’ve been unable to do this, having to freeze my edits for my curve or text objects. And now I don’t need to do that anymore! What a boon.