Why I don’t want to 3D print for you Video

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Production of this video was an experiment in producing a video at the makerspace and… I don’t know if I’ll do it again. Not just because my phone camera has a bad habit of refocusing frequently, but the sound in the makerspace is really dirty, even when the 3D printers and laser cutters aren’t doing anything there’s still a lot of fans running. And I was hoping that the lav mic wouldn’t pick them up but… well, I’ll see if other’s notice the sound, but I suspect this’ll be a one-off for this sort of video.

Big thanks to Design with Canva for making it easy(ish) to make the fake chat used in this video.

The thumbnail for this video was a tricky one. For the quick day 1 clicks I wanted a thumbnail based on the “No Soup for YOU” guy from Seinfield, but long term I don’t want that to be what people see when I or someone else sends them this video in the future. So I’ve already prepared the second thumbnail that I’ll be swapping this out for in a week or two.

Yup, pure text. Hopefully this is evergreen content.

Part of me really questions whether now is the time to release this video, what with Holiday shopping ‘n all. But now is when I made it, so here we go.