Bambu AMS Upgrade gone wrong

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I think a lot of people’s expectations for both what Bambu’s printers will do, and what Bambu themselves will do when it breaks down is a little lofty. What I find interesting is on the other side when Ender 3 owners have to be told to contact support. It’s amazing to me the different expectations that come with a few hundred dollars. Or perhaps it’s a question of a different type of person who can afford to drop a grand on a 3D printer, vs someone who has to convince themselves that spending $200 is okay.

There’s probably a sociological doctorate thesis in this somewhere.

For those not on my discord (and why wouldn’t you be?) DreamsVoid has been making some amazing strides in building a 3D printer with a PrintABlok frame, an idea that’s cool on paper, but has been a long road getting there. He’s doing amazing work.

I’ve also recently released my latest update with everything I’ve been working on lately, and a peak of what I want to work on next. So I’ll keep this brief and let you catch up with all that on this other blog post.