Ender 3 S1 Pro Review – Not for beginners

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If you’re thinking about getting an Ender 3, the thing you need to know is while the price is right, it’s a poorly documented machine and lacks a lot of the features that make other 3D printers much easier to use. Fortunately there’s lots of other options. For instance:

While I was making this video, I got an email from JGMaker asking me to review their new R1 3D printer, which, after looking at the specs carefully at it I realized it’s just an Ender 3 S1 Pro again!

Now there’s a chance that this 3D printer has all the documentation and ease of use features that I’m looking for, but I didn’t want to commit to yet another cheap 3D printer just to find out. So instead I decided to just ask them. “How well documented is your first time user procedure, and does your user interface have features like filament loading/unloading scripts.” But as I was talking to a sales person, and not an engineer, they didn’t know, and I haven’t heard back. We’ll see if I review this machine in the future.

But I feel like I’ve established a new way to working with requests to review 3D printers in this category. I’ll send them this video and say “how’s yours measure up?”