PrintABlok Connectors have been upgraded again!

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Hasty made video is hasty. Hence why this blog post is going to be brief.

I wasn’t kidding when I said I had hundreds of blocks to reexport and reupload everywhere. But it’s all good. Though, I maybe working on a few other things in the meanwhile. I’ve still got a few (physical) rewards to deliver, but after that, I’m going to give PrintABloks a bit of a break and work on one of my other projects. Probably Chibimals. But I’m going to take things in a different direction.

Can I be hones?. Battlemechas way underperformed from my expectation. I thought giant robots was going to be an $8000 kickstarter easy. Instead it barely make 1/4 of that. And that’s probably becuase the 3D Printing Professor’s sun is setting. Oh, don’t cry for me. My videos aren’t pulling in as many views no matter what I do, my audience is leaving. But that’s okay, because it means it’s time to reinvent myself.

The next kickstarter is probably going to focus on physical sets. Yes, I know I said I wanted to avoid it, but the reality is no one prints the sets they back in most kickstarters. And I think people are starting to realize that. They’re wasting money buying 3D models they don’t intent to print. So, why don’t I do the printing? I’ve already got quite a few 3D printers. Just keep them humming and I could have a physical production line no problem. I’ve been saying it’s possible for years, and others have done it. So why not me?

That’s all I can say for now, but expect more soon, if this is something you’re interested in.