AOSeed X-Maker review

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Looking over this video, I fear I put too much emphasis on the tablet control. To be fair, I think AOSeed is also putting too much emphasis on their tablet controls. SO I want to make clear right now, a table computer isn’t necessary at all for this 3D printer. It’ll all run off your PC, and if you setup the wifi, you don’t even need to do the SD card shuffle.

Let’s talk about video making. Have you ever heard of “pattern interrupts”? It’s where you take the regular flow of what you’re doing and insert something attention grabbing. It’s basically the formula that everything from Sesame Street to… well, all of the modern age of video is built on. And there’s a lot of (fair) criticism about how this effects attention, but one thing it also effects is retention. People tend to not get bored and click away from your video if there’s pattern interrupts in your video. So I’m trying it out in this video. Now, I did try to keep my pattern interrupts relevant, but they are consciously there. If this video does well, I may try to add more of them in the future. Apologize in advance to those who find them annoying. I know I do, but I also fall for them, so…

I’m still busy wrapping up the BattleMecha kickstarter right now. Release always goes in 3 phases: Initial release to a select few who confirm things are working. Release to everyone. Rerelease with fixes that I find later. I’m currently in that last phase, so we’ll see how that goes.