CrealityCloud has a problem, and it’s stopping me from getting in!

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For those who skip my short videos, you’re missing out on the development process of that awesome angel mecha. I realized every piece has a story, so I thought I’d put together little videos telling those stories. Of course, 1 minute is not nearly long enough to tell a good story and I find my rambling self cut off more times than not, but it’s easy to get out 2 or 3 shorts in a week, so we’ll work with the limitations.

I’m gonna kvetch here for a second about the lament of being creative. Sometimes I wish I could just do the one thing I love and ignore everything else. And the one thing I love is making 3D models. But if I want to make 3D models for other people, and suddenly I have to upload, which involves test printing, maybe plating them, and taking pictures. And if I want to be a successful creative, after all, think of all the creating I could do if I didn’t have a job I needed to do, well, then I have to be popular. Get the visibility up as high as possible. That means uploading to multiple sites and promoting it on YouTube and mailing lists, and anywhere anyone will listen to me. It’s a lot of work, and more importantly it’s a lot of not doing the thing I want to do, all so I can… do more of the thing I want to do. It’s a weird cycle. In order to do more of the thing I want to do, I have to do things that aren’t the thing I want to do.

But if one person downloads and prints my models and tells me they like them, it’ll all be worth it. …Okay, that’s not quite true. If 1000 people download and prints my models and supports me it’ll all be worth it. Not there quite yet, but I’m working on it.

This video was not necessarily about CrealityCloud. But sometimes you need something catchy to get people’s attention, and sometimes that means someone has to be thrown under the bus. I hope I conveyed in this video that I don’t have any animosity against Creativity for this issue and when it gets resolved hopefully I’ll be so impressed with CrealityCloud that I’ll be singing it’s praises forever more. Probably not because I’m a cynical monster and can’t be satisfied with anything, but maybe this’ll be a non-issue.

And I understand their concern about safety. I have the same concern. Some rando shows up, claims “Hey, that account is mine”, they can’t just bend over and give that person what they want. That’s the path to madness. They’re doing it right. But hopefully I can get an exception here because I can prove that I really am who I say I am and because that account is definitely fallow. And if they don’t want to give me information about that account, that’s fine. But they can nuke it from their database, can’t they? Wipe that, and the other accounts, right out? That’s not going to violate anyone’s privacy, is it? And in the end it’ll mean I can add my stuff to their platform. It’s a win-win!

But, this video wasn’t about Creailty. That was just a vehicle to let you all know that PrintABlok BattleMechas is coming to Kickstarter and that you can right now download PrintABloks everywhere (except for CrealityCloud, for now) and get ready for the awesomeness to come. If you want to be notified of the lastest developments, you can get on the mailing list to find out the news as it happens.