This new PrintABlok is going to change everything Video

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It took way too long to make that animation of the ball being constructed. The timing is always the hardest part. It always seems like it takes way more frames of animation than it should. I start with “600 frames should just about do it”, but in the end it was nearly 1000 more. Hopefully it convey the work that goes into an admittedly small but pivotal (ah) piece.

Pivotal. Dang it. I should have used that one in the video.

I noticed in editing that the Logitech camera seems to be freaking out from time to time in this video. maybe it’s not comfortable sharing the USB hub with the new BenQ camera.

Whenever I say there’s cool things coming with PrintABlok, I use this as-yet-unreleased Chicken Walker set as the example of it. And for those who are into this stuff, I’m sure that’s getting old, but trust me when I say this thing is cool and it represents the future of PrintABlok. I’ve got a lot of irons in the fire right now, and a lot fo them are getting done at the same time which means I’m putting out a lot of releases.

And I hate saying that there’s more coming for PrintABlok while at the same time saying “Be sure to check out my Ultimate Collection” because it would not be wrong to think “Isn’t that going to be outdated in just a little while?” Yeah, that’s true, but I’m usually pretty slow, so you’ll have a while with the old ones before the new ones come out. And they’ll all be compatible anyways, so you won’t lose anything. PrintABlok to your heart’s content right now and tomorrow you’ll have even cooler stuff.