Making Magic with the Mingda Magician X2

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When I look back, it’s been a long time since I uploaded, but it doesn’t feel like it’s been a long time. Maybe that’s because there’s been three or four concurrent projects I’ve been working on and like lobsters in a bucket, they’re doing more to get in each other’s way than to moving themselves forward. That’s not helped by the fact that since I got back from LA Makerfair and the Rocky Mountain RepRap festival, both of which totally drained me, the school year has ended, I have a kid graduating, and life has been generally busy. It’s a good time to be alive, but a tough time for making videos. However, now that this is out of the queue, hopefully I can start working through my other videos. The audio on this video ended up being less idea, but hopefully no one will notice that. (Everyone’s gonna notice it.)

The Mingda Magician X2, when entered into the Ultimate 3D Printer Comparison Rubric the is a high C, right on the edge of B. And while I’d like ti to be higher, because, really, it’s a big improvement over the throwaway 3D printers of the past, I had to admit the rubric is right. It’s capability in terms or print size and materials is about the same as your average Ender 3. It’s not a super cheap 3D printer, though it’s a good price, to be sure. It’s good, and it’s what I would consider bare minimum for usability. But it’s not anything remarkable enough to really stand out.

I mean, I’m probably not going to keep it for very long. Hopefully it ends up in the hands of someone who wants to get into 3D printing and they’ll do great things with it.

Someone’s going to mention it, but I did shave. Long time viewers will know that I used to grow a beard parodically, but stopped 5 years ago. It was going white, but had these badger stripes in it and I wasn’t excited about that. However, my daughter, who just turned 6 and is quite precocious, asked me to grow it out. So on January 1st I stopped shaving, intending for 2023 to be the year of the beard. And while the badger stripes looked better than I thought I never was comfortable with it. Then after it irritated my wife one last time, I took 5 months of growth and in a few minutes made it disappeared.

And now that it’s gone, well, I look like me again. But I’ll probably grow it again. That’s the best thing about beards. Easy come, easy go.

PrintABlok Pilots are reaching a high level of development with cockpits that can be incorporated into existing builds. Patreon backers already have  the parts for testing out. However in conjunction with another new development that I’ll be making a video about soon, there’s a lot of going back to the beginning of PrintABlok, but in a new way. so before I do that, I want to put a bow on the past. That’s why I’ll be releasing the ultimate kickstarter PrintABlok pack soon with the more-or-less definitive snapshot of the state of PritnABloks at this moment, as well as updating the free sets.