Kokoni Sota 3D Live on Kickstarter, but is it another scam?

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You know, I figure if they can make a marketing video full of exaggerated examples of what’s possible, I can make a click-baity thumbnail. I feel like they’d understand.

I felt like I needed to make this video because of my previous one. I said some things in that video that were wrong on my part and that they’ve corrected, like the attribution thing, so I felt they deserved a follow up. That said, I don’t know how much they needed this video. Their kickstarter seems to be gathering plenty of suckers backers.

Would I back this? No. But I don’t have $1000 to lose on a gamble. I am impressed how many people seem to. The post Bambu world has really opened my eyes to how many people just have a grand laying around for a hobby. Mind you, my first 3D printer, the Replicator 1, was about that price (though I didn’t pay for that either), but with the post Creality race to the bottom in price, I figured the age of $1000 was over, and yet here we are, with people dropping a grand on a 3D printer that might only deliver on half of what it promises.

On my previous video about this kickstarter, I had some people comment that their marketing doesn’t pass the “sniff test”, basically saying it smells fishy. Their speed claims are exaggerated, they weren’t showing actual prints, and when you dig into it, certain things, like AI modeling, fell apart entirely. However, now they’re starting to show real prints, but they’re still not showing any of the multi-color prints, they’re promising 7 color printing, but you can only order a 5 color unit. It still smells a little funny. But they’ve got till August to make good.

Wait, August? That’s only 3 months to implement AI 3D model scanning, which is brand new technology, and the 7 color 3D printing. I don’t know how far they’ve gone on that so far, but that’s a real tight time table. Maybe they’re an inch from finished right now and that won’t be a problem, but transparent about it they are not.

Still, their kickstarter is doing well, and I choose to live in an optimistic work where they’ll be able to deliver on their promises.

Though, we’ve seen where that led.