What is the most honest 3D printer company

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The worst thing about this video is it’ll only take one thing, one major faux pas from any of the companies I listed and the whole video is invalid.

There was one 3D printer company that I really wanted to include in this list. You probably know the one. The thing is, after careful consideration, the fact that they used open source software but tried to keep that a secret until they were called out on it is what ultimately tanked them. And the fact that they suddenly update their slicer with features that was being developed by Prusa, but didn’t give props to Prusa… further not coolness. I’ve heard others complain that they weren’t as forward about the features of their budget 3D printer as they’d have liked, but I think that falls under the category of not being required to list the features that aren’t there. And while they ultimately did the right thing, if the question is honesty, doing the right thing up front is kinda more important. But, again, you can be not-dishonest, and still not be considered honest.

I recorded this video on my phone with a lav mic on my phone. The basic idea was to make a video faster and easier than my usual method. And besides some issues with the camera focus adjusting when I swung my arms around, I think it turned out pretty well. I may be using this in the future. Maybe if I move the camera back and zoom in a bit I can fix the camera jigging.