Kingroon KP3S Pro, Pro S1, and S1 Sliceworx review and Upgrading

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If you look carefully on the editing Joe footage, I’ve got my mic blocking the ironing board. Cheap tactics so I don’t have to green screen.

This video took a lot more effort to put together than it should have, and now that I’m looking at it, it’s kind of all over the place. Two rants in the middle of it, not really answering the question it poses at the beginning. I had a hard time making the title and thumbnail for this video because there’s just so much going on. And the reason is because I had an idea which way this was going to go, I was going to do the upgrade while I talked, but then I got into it and realized there were missing parts and incomplete instructions, and had to change course at the last minute. It’s a prime example of having a plan, having that plan go out the window, and never really recovering.

But I did manage to acomplish one major goal in this video. I sold out! Choosing to go with Ekster was a strategic. Of course I have ExpressVPN and Audible offering to work with me, but those are options that I feel like everyone is already working with I probably won’t bump their numbers enough to impress them. But Ekster is one that I don’t see a lot of people in this space working with, but one that a lot of the people that make up my audience might actually benefit from. Now, I wouldn’t say they were “sponsoring” this video, because it’s all commission. But I am hoping that I can prove my value with them and court better deals in the future.

I’m gearing up for the LA Maker Faire on April 1st which is having me print out some giveaway sets of PrintABloks. I’m going to be there with Cymon and PrintABloks and having a good time. If you can, I hope to see you there.