Blender Tutorial 13 Precision movement

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I’ve decided to commit to a face in my videos to see if that helps them. It definitely makes it easier to keep things moving when there’s nothing going on screen, especially with the intros and whatnot.

Big thanks to Josh JRT3D of the Recreator3D project, I’ve had a bit of a project this week in figuring out exactly what Cymon can do and configuring him. For the most part, he’s a RetroArch system, and I’ve configured a couple of systems, and kinda ran out before I could get any arcade games on there. Still, I did get the N64 running, and that’s something the retropie can’t do. I want to incorporate him into videos, but I’m really not sure how.

I’ve also been playing with making 3D printed name tags. The Lachlan R. is a reference to what ChatGPT apparently thinks my name is, according to the 3D Print General on twitter. I guess that means that when the robot revolution comes, I’ll have a little bit of a head start while the first wave attack bots try to figure out who I really am.

But, really, this project was a part of a larger exploration that I hope I’ll be making a video about soon. The thesis is (basically) can local manufacturing be accomplished with cheaper and easier to use technologies, like 3D printing or prosumer priced laser cutting? So I tried making this on my Laserstorm S10, and the result was a goopy mess, at any power or speed.

While I do think that this should be possible with, for instance, an XTool or maybe fiber laser, clearly a 10W diode can’t do it. However, figuring that out is going to require… a lot. Maybe I should figure out how to write a research grant so I can take a year off work, buy a bunch of equipment, and figure out the perfect setup.