Simplify 3D 5 Could be great Video

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1 hour. 1 hour to record, upload, make a thumbnail, and upload on YouTube. A little longer to type this.

Now, if I could only isolate that his in my microphone. Admittedly this wasn’t recorded under the ideal audio circumstances. My Bambulab Carbon X1 was doing an AMS print to the side while I was recording and I was using NVidia’s AI noise canceling to counteract that, but listening to this microphone in my headphones, it’s clear that didn’t entirely work.

But that’s alright. Part of the reason I haven’t been releasing anything lately is that I’m bugging too much about these details. At this point in my YouTube career I want every video to be perfect, and when I can’t get it perfect, I don’t release it, so I haven’t released anything.

Of course over on the Blender for 3D printing channel, perfection is still the goal. Gotta get that balance worked out still.