Blender to 3D Printing Christmas Tree

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You know, you can plan and prepare all you want. Nothing makes you ready to hit “go” on a new endevor.

This is the first real video I’m uploading to my new Blender for 3D printing channel, and it is terrifying. I started this channel from the ground up, which means if I’m going to be monotized, I’ve got to do it like everyone else. Watch time and subscribers requirements. This is from ground zero. An no matter how much I prepared and got ready, you never feel ready.

I started this channel because any time I uploaded anything about Blender on my main channel, it flopped. Sure, the initial Blender for Absolute Beginner tutorials did fine, but everything after that did not. That’s because YouTube rewards focus. A channel where people can predict what they’re getting does better than a channel with 2 or 3 different feels to it. So instead of having any Blender content I wanted to upload be an albatros around my channel’s neck, I decided to spin it off on to it’s own channel and… well, here’s hoping.

The other focus of this new channel is to make it easier for me to produce content for this channel. So, the videos will have minimal editing, if any at all, and I won’t be showing my face, so I don’t have to dress up. And this channel is going to be all about that vibe. Bob Ross in 3D.

So it’s kinda odd that the first video I upload is essentially a time lapse, isn’t it? Yeah. But it is what it is. The next few videos are going to be tutorial videos, and then we’re getting into some wild modeling, and I’ve got some ideas that I think might do well. Of course, they might also lock my channel into a groove that I don’t want them to be in, but we’ll just see how it goes.

So if seeing me model something in Blender while listening to my baritone is something you’d be into, subscribe. And if not, you can rest assured my main channel will still produce the 3D printer review and commentary you’ve always loved.