The future of 3D printing – ERRF and OC Makerfair report

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If I were more productive I would have been putting out videos from the floor like Tom or Joel did. Recorded, edited that same day, and out to you all. But, alas, I am lazy, and this is my ERRF report.

Not that this was the only topic I could have made a video about from my experience there. For instance I could have made a video about:

  • Just walking around the floor like Nero3D did. (Heck, I’ve got enough footage I could probably still do that.
  • Best 3D printer for schools (Probably going to do that one anyways)
  • A full video for the Recreator3D
  • Changes to Thangs (Got to talk to the guy from Thangs who answered a lot of my questions)
  • Midnight Giant‘s 3D printed shields (They were awesome!)
  • The Story of Cymon

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I swear every talk I listened to and conversation I had was more folder that could be made into the next big video.