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This video I recorded before the last 2 videos, but it got shuffled till now because I thought the Laser Pog had more people interested in it and the Tiki situation was just topical. And while those videos were urgent, I feel this video is more important and will probably have a longer life. At least that’s what I hope.

My wife has been taking a photography class, for which she needed a good camera. And I happen to have a good camera that I use for these videos. It’s a Cannon A6300. No slouch. Though, if you’re looking to get a camera for video, I recommend going for the 𝛼7, or A7, only because it puts the SD card in an accessible place. Though neither of these cameras make it particularly easy to get the video off them (hiding them in a directory called “private” of all places) and they get kinda upset if you delete them off the SD card yourself.

Sorry, I got a bit in the weeds there.

So my wife is using the camera, and since she’s using it for photography, and learning about it, she’s been messing with all the settings. Which doesn’t bother me, but it’s had some interesting side effects. On the lightsaber video it affected my white balance. So before recording this video, as well as the Laser Pog video, I reset the settings to factory default. But what I forgot about factory default is that by default these cameras record in 1080, not 4k. Usually I shoot a wide shot in 4k, and then zoom in, and export in 1080. That way I get full pixels at 1080 but I can vary my shots without having a second camera or moving my camera between shots. But, having recorded in 1080, I could only zoom in a little, if at all, without exposing my pixels. And that went as well for the Pog video, though fortunately for that one I had lots of b-roll to fall back on. In this one… well, it’s just me.

Fortunately I hear my core audience doesn’t so much watch my videos as listen to them with me on the second monitor, so that that should be okay.