How I invented PrintABlok

Watch on YouTube

And thus kicks off a month of PrintABlok content… uh… hopefully. If I can keep focused. I recorded this in December, and have been sitting on it, hoping to drum up some interest PrintABlok ahead of [drumroll] the next kickstarter!

I’ve been wanting to continue working on PrintABlok for a while, and I have in fact been working on it with Electroblock, as I’ve been learning Electronics and having a good time. But because ElectroBloks require a bit more effort that the regular “print and snap together” PrintABloks, I’m not asking for any money for them. Electroblok are and will be free sets given away.

My latest electronics project did use Electrobloks for the prototyping phase, but of course Electroblocks weren’t in the final build. However, there’s an Easter egg on the pomel and an easter egg on the design of the blade paying homage to all of my past kickstarters, including PrintABlok. But, you’ll have to wait for the build video on that to see more. Or just follow me on Twitter where I’m posting about this constantly because I’m so darn proud of it.