Download Electrobloks and start snapping circuits!

Download today and start snapping together your own awesome circuit projects!

Electrobloks are available now for you to download and start playing with. You can download them here on, PrusaPrinters, MyMiniFactory, and other common repositories.

Also, on, I’ve updated the PrintABlok Base Set listing to include WritersBloks, the PrintABoxes, and Panels, a new sort of PrintABlok that is perfect for structural builds. All of these blocks will eventually be uploaded elsewhere, but for now are available only on!

Now, don’t think that with this release that I’m done with ElectroBloks. This is, in fact, only the beginning.

But first, I hear you asking “Are they ready, and can I start playing with them?” The answer is “YES” to both. Included in the download (except on MyMiniFactory) is a PDF with some instructions. If you have a soldering iron and some technical savvy you can probably get started right now building with Electrobloks, and I would love it if you would. I want to see what creative people are able to make with these. I’ve had the suggestion that they could be used to make a battle bot that would lend itself to proper destruction, and I would love to see that. I’d love to see anything you make with them, and I’d love to hear any suggestions for continuing their development.

So what is my plan going forward? Well, Step 1, there’s the official release video announcing it to YouTube with some “here’s how you make them” video instructions. Then there’s the introductory tutorial series where I use ElectroBloks as a medium for teaching Arduino coding. Step 2, a miracle occurs. Step 3, profit.

I feel I should be a little more explicit in step 2 there. (There’s also the South Park Underwear Gnomes, if the idea of a “newspaper comic” is too antiquated for you.)

I do have a couple of ideas for step 2. I could simply use Electrobloks to make a couple of short project videos showing off what they can do. Or, if the beginner’s course goes well, maybe I make an advanced course and put in on Udemy or something like that. Or maybe I use the colossal, viral popularity of Electrobloks to launch the PrintABlok:Skyblok kickstarter to a million dollars.

Either way, I’m putting these in your hands now so you can get ahead of all that and start making cool ElectroBlok projects today!