Why so many Ender Clones – Biqu B1 and Focoos Odin-5 Review

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I’m going to be a guest judge on Print That Thing’s #DesignShuffle contest. I kinda love this idea. Use the PTT Design Shuffler, make something and you could win. Myself and a host of awesome judges will decide the winner. So jump on and do some awesome designing.

I had the idea, at the end of this video, of recording a segment where I approach a clone of myself watching over a pod, I put my hand on the pod, say “Some day” and walk away as the camera shows that inside I’m cooking up another clone of myself, but this one with good physique and enhanced with some subtle cybernetics. It would have been a lot of work to do what I wanted, with green screen and costumes. Nothing I couldn’t have done. But I didn’t want to introduce the a 3D Printing Professor extended lore where I’m building clones of myself. Having a clone or 2, sure, but not building them.

Now, if the 3D Printing Professor lore included robotics and space travel and VR, that I would be okay with.

Behind the scenes I edited this video twice after uploading it. Once was to add the message that the daughter board on the hot end wasn’t uncommon, but it does introduce a problem. The other was to fix the placement of some of the text on the screen. I don’t normally do this because it delays release, but these things just kinda bugged me.  I guess I’m more of a perfectionist on this video than usual. The split screen gag was admittedly done poorly, as it was only me and I just had to fake it on the timing of my interactions, but what are you going to do? Overall I’m happy with the gag, and if it’s a little crap, maybe people won’t mistake it for an extended universe being built.