Blender Quick Tip – Adding Texture

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Every time I put out one of these Blender tutorials I hope it does well, because I really want to do more of them. They’re quick and easy to do and, I think, super useful. Maybe when Blender 3.0 comes out it’ll be time to update the absolute beginner’s guide to Blender and dedicate a year of my channel to Blender.

A year? That maybe too long. A few months, maybe.

After the Mechs kickstarter wrapped up I started thinking about what I wanted to do for the next model-a-thon, and the idea of a fully 3D printed game chest came to mind. And that’s what this is for. I also had the idea to start developing “3Deeples”, 3D printed, highly Meeple scaled minis. However, after putting together an info graphic about the idea and sending it to some of my boardgaming buddies with their fingers on the pulse of the board gaming world, I realized the idea is going to need some small trajectory changes. So 3Deeples and board game minis like this may not be my next major kickstarter. We’ll see.

It’d be a shame, though. “3Deeples” is a great name, I think.