MINGDA D2 Review with Odd Jay

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Super excited to have my 3rd colaboration video in as many months, this time with an amazing maker and friend, Odd Jay, Jorvon Moss. Jay and I met some years ago at a Bay Area Maker Faire, introduced by Barb Noren. I actually contacted him about this review and set everything up just before he hit the big time, hitting the cover of the latest Make Magazine. Jay is going places, and like Palpatine, I have been and will continue to watch his career with great interst.

In this video I decided to really stretch my editing chops. That hologram effect, especially when I put it down on the table after flashing it in my face, is something I’ve never done before. Animated masks, and rotoscoping. It was very exciting. It’s all still a little rough. I could have spent more time on it, put more effects layers and whatnot, but I think what I ended up with is good enough for this.

This video also allowed me to finally revealed the work I’ve done on my 3 axis graph for grading 3D printers, now rendered in Blender with animations and glowy effects and everything. That’s going to come in useful when March rolls around. I was actually very surprised with the score of the Minga D2 when compared with other 3D printers I’ve reviewed. But having a decent printer at and excellent price, this printer ended up being ranked #4 on my ultimate list. Which printers are 1, 2, and 3? Well, you’ll just have to wait for March MadMess 2021 to find out.

Also, I hope the teaser at the end wasn’t too subtle for people. In case you missed it: