Pushing 3D Printing with… a plate?

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I have an update with the tableware. After “testing” them with a few meals, I popped them in the dishwasher and… the sanitization stage caused them to warp and melt. They’re not unusable at this point, but I don’t want to commit to using them like this. So, I’m going to have to print a whole new set before I go on, which is good, because I want to do some redesigning.

But this doesn’t fair well for the experiment. My goal was going to be to be able to say “3D printed tableware is just as safe as anything else, because you can wash it.” But, apparently PetG doesn’t hold up to sanitization. Not only were they warps, but they were brittle, like they were anealed, and it didn’t do them good. So either I have to find a new material, or I run the risk of not being able to clean these dishes as well. I wonder if Tauman 910 could be considered food safe?

My original plan for this video was to lean into the “Prusa can’t do this” angle of this video, to get that angry downvote “Don’t buy a Prusa or Ender 3” engagement going again. But I just couldn’t feel good about it. Of course, once I have my prusa put together, I’ll be able to make claims that that that won’t be unfounded.

Not sure it’ll be a good idea, then, either.

And I have started to build it. My daughters have even chipped in to help. However, my son assembled the first part and he put the frame on backwards. So, I’ve got to take it apart and flip that around and I hope I don’t need to tear it down to the base components to do it.

These are the memories we’ll cherish forever.