Meet ME! and Ridiculing the racists

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Wow. What can I say about this video. It went off the rails right from the start, and just kept getting deeper and deeper into the weeds. And yet it also ended up being one of the most poignant and meaningful conversations I’ve had in a log time. We barely touched on my past kickstarters, including some gushing over Chibimals, and me revealing some big future plans for them, but quickly turned into an extended conversation about diversity and equity in the maker community.

I blame Faye. Well, no, I don’t blame her. But, wow, did she ask a question that has been bumping around my head for a long time.

Recently, a video of mine has been getting flack, in part because I attacked everyone’s favorite technology, and in part because I suggested that 3D printing could be more diverse. The comments that are most directly about the race issue get shuffled way down the stack. I don’t know how YouTube does that, but I do appreciate it. In fact they were so far down I wondered if maybe they had been deleted. But, I managed to scroll far enough, and there are a few that weren’t total cowards.

Here’s a few of the choice gems from the white supremacists in our community:

The fact that you can look at a such a morally inert hobby such as 3d printing and somehow bring race into it is disturbing to me. I don’t think your ender 3 cares in the slightest if you’re black white Mexican or a woman. Its going to produce the same results. And I dont think a hobby filled with white people has any less creative potential than a hobby filled with black people, women, or all races. I literally never thought about or cared about the race of the person behind the printer until now. I mean… Do you think the NBA is lacking in creativity and could be better with more white people? They only make up 23% of the sport despite being 80% of the population? I dont care about something as superficial as the color of the basketball players skin. I care that they can play good. And they do. If you go through life thinking how people think and act and what they can create is based on their skin color… You might be a closet racist or on the fast path to becoming one?
Does your keyboard not have apostrophes? No, wait, you got a couple of them, there. And then you just ran out. You sad sad thing. I’m going to start a fund to raise you money so you can afford more apostrophes. And since apostrophes are free, I’ve got good news for you; we’re fully funded! I’ll wire you the no funds so you can start using them in all your “don’t”s going forward.

Just get to the talk and stop talking about color😏

You got it. From now on all my videos, black and white only.  🥴

Me still trying to figure out how 3d printing ties into racism

Me too. I mean, it’s not like the machine cares who pushes the button. So it’s clearly not the hardware. And I’ve talked to the people who write the software, they assure me there’s no code in there that considers race at all. I wonder where the problem could be. Hmm…

wooow. cool racism display….

Actually I have an HP display. I considered a racism display, but I when I used it, it said it couldn’t see color.

“People of color” like to be called people now. explaining for a friend.

Which color? Because there’s more than just black. Once your skin departs from “white” there’s a whole spectrum. Explaining for a me.

You could just not discuss the demographics of who watches the videos.

I suppose I have that privilege.

….did you really just try to go woke on 3d printing…. are you for real

I guess. But it feels weird saying “woke”, like there’s some delineation between when I didn’t feel this way, when I was “asloop”, and when I did and got “woke”. I mean, if this is being “woke” then I’ve been awake since the 80s.

No one else going to point out that this (possibly) glowie brought up race and sex into a video about 3d printing?

Not even near the first comment to mention this. But, it did make me google what a “glowie” was. And I totally am.

The race and gender thing… Yeah thumbs down. Who cares nobody is stopping these people, they aren’t interested.
They…. aren’t interested. Wow. Wooooooow. Hey, Dr. Cartwright, what do you think? Maybe something in their genes, huh? You know, maybe they won’t ever achieve their best if we let them have equal rights?
30% down votes so far. Professor, I think your audience doesn’t appreciate race and gender being brought up (@3:00) as being a negative, in regards 3D printer recommendations. This seems racist and sexist on some levels. 1. To even mention it, as it implies that white men are not capable of objective recommendations. 2. You insult your audience in the same way. 3. You implied that non-white and not-males have less technical ability. Applying race seems to be aligned with Intersectionality at least. If you believe any of this, why should we listen to you, a white male? You even said you know you are white and male but kept on talking so you must not believe it too much. Intersectionality is political, and like Critical Race Theory, it’s destroying a lot of our past times. I want this to stop as it’s not helping advance our united culture. James Lindsey told me that all affinity groups would be injecting CRT and Intersectionality. Now I see it in 3D Printing.
This one followed it up by telling me to watch a bunch of white evangelical leaders discuss how racism isn’t real and was made up by liberals to control the population. For real. Link edited out for your sake.
white men 3d printing ,women and coloured men not interested?come to think off it my girlfriend has been spending a lot of time at Jimars house lately, oh well looks like two less presents to buy for Xmas, I’ll order a new printer any good suggestions?
I have no idea what this one was trying to say. Didn’t Jimmers play for BYU?
Everyone has to bring up race constantly that’s why we like 3d printing, football, comics and it seeps in a ruins everything
You think football, comics, and 3D printing are safe havens from the discussion about races? Have you seen your football boys taking a knee during the national anthem? You think they’re doing that because their tired? And as for comics, look up the “I am Ms. Marvel” movement.
Racism today isn’t prevalent. The problem is the use of racism as propaganda by liberals because they know miseducated people will virtue signal with their votes. The same applies to climate change in calling it an “existential threat”. Save the world…Peace on Earth…Vote for me.
Hey, um, it’s probably time to take down that “Trump 2020” flag, now. (Seeing way to many of those still flying.)
i feel like this guy votes for trump maybe it’s only me but he racist “only white males”
This poor individual can’t even afford the shift key on his keyboard. Wait, a call for diversity means I voted for Trump, now? Dang it, I missed my chance when I wrote in Andrew Yang in the last election.
This video should be titled: “Prusa and Ender 3 printers may be too complicated for women and people of color.” o.O XD
The emoji’s don’t make this okay.
i`m a machinist and a 10 year old kid could use a 3D printer. RACIST
How is it that you can use the shift key to capitalize the “D” in 3D, and type “RACIST” in all caps, but you didn’t capitalize the “I” in “I’m”, and you somehow use the wrong apostrophe at the same time? I hope you put more effort into your machining than you do in your editing.
3D printing is just like chess. They both are a very specific hobby. There is no way that 3D printing will ever get a wider appeal. And there is nothing wrong with that.
How does “very specific” mean “gentlemen only”?
I want information on a 3D printer not a lecture on subtle white guilt and social justice. That’s how you immediately alienate apparently 4/9 of your audience.
I’m gonna give this one credit for reducing the ratio of my likes to dislikes to it’s simplest form. Kudos.
You asked a “rhetorical” question about why trans- women of color aren’t in the 3D printer game (paraphrasing), so I’ll bite. Maybe they don’t want anything to do with them. Maybe, just maybe, designing and making parts out of plastic isn’t on their list of fun things to do… That is a distinct possibility, right?!
Actually, I don’t think I brought up any group as specific as trans-women of color at all. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think “paraphrasing” means “making stuff up”.
“Needs to become more diverse”? Oh God, please go into politics and tell it the other clowns and stop wasting my time.
“…tell it the other clowns…” I’ll get right on that. As soon as I figure out what you’re saying.
I came here for reviews and I left feeling like this was an affirmative action video for us brown people.
You’re… welcome? Sorry, I’m not really sure how you feel about that.
“For 3d printing to grow it needs to become more diverse” You deserve all of the hate you get for this video.
Wow, you actually used the word “hate” against the idea of diversity. Just gotta ask, when the KKK gives you your hood, do they have sizes or is it a one size fits all kinda thing?
Strange im 38 with a working Ender 3 . I built. no tech savvy got hella stoned while putting it together at 3:30am. Works fine. Also im in a group of 100 or so printer folk and there’s literally a few white people. Why you made this video about race is strange, I can understand the click baiting, and the I know it all ego that what ever you say must be correct. To say dont buy one of these prints because you have to build it is why they’re top sellers. who wants to buy a name brand shell? the shell doesn’t do much. I was excited to watch your videos until I saw this.
I think a lot of people agree since your thumbs down are almost half the thumbs up with out even having 3k lol.
Okay, I’m gonna point this out right now. The video is 13 minutes, 50 seconds. one and a half minutes of it is an aside about demographics, the rest is talking about under-recommended 3D printer. I don’t think that less than 10% of the video can be what the video is about.
I also bagged on people’s favorite 3D printers. I suspect the majority of downvotes are from saying “don’t Buy and ender or Prusa” in my title.
More diverse. Maybe there is a biological reason the demographics are the way they are… reality doesn’t care about social constructs(yes the exact opposite of what’s taught).
I think I’ve found Samuel Cartwright’s alt account.