3D Print Better with One Simple Trick – Slow Down! Video

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The TL:DW goes like this: Slow down for better prints. But not just slow down. There are a couple of tricks you can use:

  • Slow Down
  • Turn on Z-Hop
  • Print single objects or multiple objects at once

How much should you slow down? I didn’t mention in the video because it’s different for each printer. 3D printers used to print at a maximum 10mm/s. But, generally, I take the speed setting in my slicer and cut it in half when I’m having troubles, and only take it back to 10mm/s. But that depends on the printer.

That last bullet point is a bit odd because it basically says “Not sure which will work, but one of them has got to” but that’s really what it is. For some things, getting the head away from the print for a second so it has time to cool works, a call back to the Sacrificial Tower, but sometimes if you’re already going slow enough, moving away will just introduce a little wiggle that will make things fail.

There’s another couple of tips I cut out of this video that I will be coming in a different video. So stay tuned.

I put way too much effort into that this videos thumbnail and maybe not nearly enough into the video. Even forgot to set up my second camera so I could get some variety shots. Ah well, it is what it is and I’ll have to promise to do better next time.