How to displace on a Cylinder in Blender Video

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One shot, no script, no pants. Just a quick video to answer a viewer’s question. Hopefully it helps. But so help me, if it gets more views in the first day than the video that sparked it, I am deleting HitFilm.

Not really. But I’ll probably do a lot more of this sort of thing because I managed to bang it out from start to finish in about an hour. I think I’ve spent as long on this blog post as I did making and uploading the video.

A couple videos back I was notified that YouTube had put midroll ads onto my videos. They did this without notifying me (or if they did, it was subtle enough that I missed it) and without giving me the option to opt out. And now I’m seeing these midroll ads on almost every YouTube video I watch. And despite their assurances to the contrary, they are not putting them in seamless places that feel organic. Because you can’t feel organic when you’re jamming an interruption where it doesn’t belong. I’ve seen a few youtubers who were more aware that this was coming than I was who built in breaks into their videos and setup the midroll ads to appear there. Those ones aren’t bad. But every other one, I don’t care how well programmed your algorithm is, there is no way your midroll ads are going to be but annoying. Heck, I edit my videos. I know how hard it can be to edit on the period with me because I usually don’t stop on the period. I stop 3 words into a sentence, and then blaze on to the next sentence, then stop 3 words in. I don’t know why.

The thing is, I know why they’re doing it. YouTube is hosting more video per second than any one person could have any hope of watching, no matter how much slacking off at work they’re doing. And hosting space ain’t free. Quite frankly, I’m surprised they haven’t taken the path of TikTok or Twitch and only temporarily hosted content, and deleted it when people stop watching it. But I’m grateful they haven’t because I try to produce content that doesn’t nab views now, but will have long term value. And if a few midroll ads are the price for that, well, I’ll grumble, but I guess I’ll accept it.

Though, I’ll probably be turning off midroll ads most of the time myself.

I haven’t had a chance to really chime in on the Fusion360 situation. But I can say, I’ve seen this coming for years. Fusion360 has never been free. Sure, they’d let you use it without paying them, but it always felt, to me at least, that they were making sure you knew that it was on their terms. The hoops you had to jump through to use it for free changed every couple of months, which for me meant every time I got back around to using it.

That’s why Fusion 360 isn’t installed at the makerspace, but Blender is. As I pointed out on twitter, Blender will never screw you over like this. It can’t. The worst thing that will happen is the Blender foundation will decide to take their stuff and move on, and the code base will fork. And if it does, I hope they’ll continue the tradition that started with “Video Toaster” and stick to a kitchen utensil. I recommend “Waffle Iron”.