Designing for 3D Printing – YHT

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This isn’t the first time I’ve taught this topic, but last time was years ago, and I felt that it needed a refresher.

This video was recorded before the laptop-ocalypse. I waffled between rerecording it on the nicer rig that I had or just going with what I had, and the more I waffled, the less and less likely it became that I was going to do it. So, once again, when it started looking like I was choosing between a garbage video and no video, I went with the garbage so I could move on. It’s possible everything I do is garbage, or nothing is and I’m too close to tell. You can only figure it out when you put it out there.

Chibimals and Minecraft are eating up most of my time. When the Makers and Minecraft fair is done, I’ll probably not do another minecraft thing… on camera. I’ll definitely be doing more minecraft on my own. Just try to stop me.

As for Chibimals, I’ve decided the strategy is I need to debut strong. That means time and effort on each video. I’ve thrown away 3 different videos because they weren’t good enough for prime time yet. I’ve found bugs in Blender that are actually blocking my progress, and I may have to learn how to compose music to do what I want. So expect this to be a long(er) road, but I promise the result will blow the world’s socks off.