How not to raid a Minecraft Piglin Bastion Remnanat with JoshGotBored and HackMonkey

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It’s been a while, but I’m back from the dead. Long story short, I destroyed my old computer, bought a new one, and had to start from scratch getting it all setup. This video was actually recorded before the purge, so I had to recover it’s data from the hard drive. I decided, unlike other Makers and Minecraft videos, I’d actually edit this one to make it watchable and see if that gets any more traction. I even went to far as to make a mock introduction like you see in most minecraft videos these days.

Editing was the one thing I was not looking forward to. Truth to tell, I’ve never loved editing. It’s just so time consuming. This was an hour and a half of footage, which in my mind was going to be many evenings working on. Except it didn’t take that long at all. I managed to crack out this edit in a little over 2 hours. Maybe it’s the powerhouse of a new computer I have. It was actually refreshing and feels good to have something done. Now I need to work on videos for the main channel, but hopefully this positive experience will fuel doing more of those.

I’ve also decided to use this new computing machine to try my hand at rendering a Chibimal Cartoon. It keeps the processor busy for sure. If it works, I’m gonna use this to tell a story on the Chibimals channel. This is a project I’ve had on my mind for… well, since the Chibimals kickstarter really. Yup, the kickstarter actually kick started something unexpected.

The Makers and Minecraft festival is progressing well. We’ve got so many cool builds on there, I can’t wait to open the floodgates and let people check it out. Well, i say open the floodgates, but honestly I don’t know where I’m going to find people who want to check out the server. Is there a list of open minecraft servers that I can put my sever on to accomplish this?