Makers and Minecraft Episode 6 – Brian Vines

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This has certainly become the project I’m working on right now. Minecraft. Digital creation in the world of Minecraft and setting up for a virtual Minecraft Maker Festival. I’m starting to feel my bandwidth loosen up a bit and I’m finding time for some other important projects. But my focus lately has been digital making, not necessarily 3D printing. Minecraft and Blender. Digital deliverable.

So it’s been difficult to make videos for my main channel where the focus is 3D printing. Not to mention I’m trying to make content that will get the sort of views that my old videos did, but quickly. Which means upping the production value, and working hard on thinking about watch-ability. And that takes time. And on top of that I feel like I should make edited versions of these videos as well. Like just the puns. But there are only so many hours in the day.

Would you all be interested in some Blender Tutorials?