Laughing through the Pandemic – PPEs with animal ears

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So how am I weathering the end of the world? Pretty good actually. Where I live is being hit with just enough cases of COVID-19 to merit sending the kids home for the rest of the school year, but the local government is only suggesting we lock ourselves down. That means my employer has closed the doors to the public, but said if we want to go home we’ll have to burn our paid time off hours to do it, unless we actually get sick, in which case bonus PTO hours go into effect.

It’s weird. Where I am there’s no legal mandate to wear a mask, for instance, so some are, some aren’t, and no one cares if you do or don’t. The actual number of cases are kind of holding steady and definitely on the low end. But since that’s more than zero, it means I get some of the benefits of a lock down, but not all of them, but I’m also not stressing if I or anyone in my family is gonna die. I guess there’s some benefit to living on the fringes of civilization.

I’m also not as isolated as others. While everyone else is using their copious amounts of free time to finally start that podcast they’ve been wanting to or frequent community livestreams, my kids are at home doing school, so what would be my free time is occupied with being a tutor, husband, while still testing new 3D printers (Speaking of which, I really am loving the Flashforge Creator Max) and making new videos. I kinda envy the single people stuck at home with nothing to do.

But because the number of cases in my area are so low and so mild, local healthcare doesn’t need or want a 3D printed stop-gap. Because we’re not in a shortage out here. So even when I offer the response is, “na, we’re good. Thanks”. A few hours north it’s a different story, but here, it’s pretty chill. I have to send the ones I print off for other’s in more desperate areas to use.

I guess what I’m saying is don’t worry about me. I have family. I have responsibilities. I’m good. What can I do for you?

The animal ear modifications are available on They’re available as an option to anyone who wants a little whimsy with their global pandemic.